Now grants 10-19% more Spell Damage (previously 15-28%). Now Sacrifices 60% of your total Energy Shield and Life (previously 30%). Now deals 80-99% of Sacrificed Energy Shield and Life as Fire Damage per second (previously 161-180%). Drop power charge on critical strike gem and add bonechill support or flame wall to asenath's chant.Ībout leveling, you can start using this setup after level 45 (Asenath's Chant). If you get '#% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike' from your body armor. If you get from body armor change annoint. I get additional curse from amulet annoint. Not necessary like cospri builds but if you have some you deal more damage. I'm not sure about cooldown recovery for bow builds. Barrage is usable, it's totally up to you.Ĭritical strike Chance: Aim for %100 crit chance obviously but as long as you have +80 you are fine.
But this time I'm using tornado shot instead of barrage. I already had coc bow gear from my bladefall blade blast build. Hey guys, here is another cast on crit build, ice spear freezing pulse deadeye.